High quality recycled fibres the way forward
Consumers and businesses becoming increasingly aware of changing their consumption habits and looking for more ethical products with less environmental impact.
The textile industry plays a key role in this change. Technologies have come a long way in recycling plastic and turning it into yarn. Fuzhou Freefun Textile Technology have recognised this shift and adapted their business to work with new technologies to support these lower environmental impact practices.
At this year’ expo, Fuzhou Freefun Textile Technology will present swimwear fabric, sportswear fabric, power mesh and functional fabric to visitors. All of which, can be produced from recycled yarn.
New to their offer is the ability to produce recycled fabrics with high quality moisture absorption properties and sweat releasing functions in fabric in a range that delivers over 100 colours.
Register now so you can book a 1 on 1 meeting with them at the show.